Earth day- Use bicycle be healthier; avoid junk foods and the most plant trees for a safe future-2013

The unveiling of Go Green Save Earth (GGSE) was done on Earth day 2013 at techno park campus with various campaigns. Reducing the use of Junk foods and promoting natural and home made eatables was prior. Free distribution of fruits was one of the attractions of the event. As a tribute to mother earth, plantation of sapling was done. More than 400 saplings were planted on Earth Day at Technopark. The advantages of using bicycle in the campus were demonstrated by a cycle rally. The employees also participated for this rally. Free distribution of saplings where also done on the day. Senior Business Development Manager and Administrative officer inaugurated the event. The CEO of one of the MNC in Techno Park joined the campaign by supporting the plantation. The event was a full day campaign and more than 800 employees participated in the event.